Water Exercise for Spas

Hot tubs are generally considered the ultimate relaxation place for you and your family to sit back and have a good time. It might not be the first thing you think of, but with all that warm, bubbly water circulating, it can also be a great place to go year-round when you’re looking for a workout!

Why exercise in the hot tub?

Unlike a cool swimming pool, the warm water in a hot tub helps get your blood flowing and eases the strain on your muscles. Exercising in water has long been known to reduce the pressure on inflamed or sore muscles, and can even help with muscle stiffness and arthritis pains. Because of all these benefits, exercising and stretching in hot tubs has become a popular way to get fit!

What are some easy exercises for the spa?

  • Shoulder rolls: stand in the middle of your hot tub (or even sit at the edge of one of the seats with your feet firmly on the bottom), and gently roll your shoulders forward for 30 seconds, then switch directions for another 30 seconds. Try doing 3 sets of this gentle stretch to improve your shoulder and neck mobility.
  • Arm circles: Keep those shoulders moving by extending your arms out and rotating your shoulders to make circles in the water. Similar to the shoulder rolls, try going for 30 seconds in each direction for 3 sets. For a more diverse stretch, try making larger circles as you complete each set.
  • Bicycle crunches: Time to work those abs! A great workout even out of the water, doing crunches in the hot water can help take some of the pain out of these tough exercises. Take a seat in the tub and extend your legs out. Bend one leg and bring your knee to your chest, then extend your leg back out to your original seated with extended legs position. Repeat with the other leg and continue alternating between legs, about 10 times for each leg.
  • Torso twist: In a seated or standing position (just make sure your shoulders are mostly submerged), spread your legs about shoulder width apart, and either fold your arms over your chest or extend them fully if it's more comfortable. Take a deep breath in, expanding your abdominal muscles, then exhale while twisting your torso to the left. Inhale to twist back to centre, exhale to twist to the right side this time. Repeat these motions and continue alternating sides, about 10-15 times for each side.
  • Flutter kicks: While seated in the spa, extend your legs out fully. One leg at a time, bend the leg and kick it back out as if you're riding a bicycle. You can also try raising or lowering your legs to help loosen your leg and hip muscles. Do these kicking motions, alternating legs, about 10-15 times per leg. 
  • Squats: Everyone's favourite exercise is a little easier on the hips when it's done in hot water! These are done the same in the water as they are out of water. Stand in the centre of your spa with your hips shoulder width apart, then bend your knees and flex your hips back as if you're going to sit down on a chair. Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly make your way back to a standing position. Try to avoid locking your knees to prevent stress on your joints. Do 10-15 squats, take a 2 minute break, then try to complete another 10-15 reps. If you're finding it a bit difficult at first, try using a seat or the spa steps for balance as you're sitting back.

Things to remember when working out in a hot tub:

While the hot tub is a great place to get a good workout in year-round, always remember there are a few safety precautions when using your hot tub.

  • Stretch gently. The warm water relaxes your muscles, so you’ll find those muscles are more than happy to stretch long and far. Make sure you only feel a gentle pull while working out to avoid over-stretching.
  • Keep hydrated. In the warm water, you’re constantly sweating and losing body fluid. When you start adding in stretches and exercises, you’ll likely be sweating more and losing more water. Keep a water bottle by the spa and make sure to keep drinking throughout your workout.
  • Pregnant? Hot water is not always the best environment for the little one as it can quickly raise your body temperature to dangerous levels. Adding in exercise will likely cause you to get even hotter a lot quicker, not to mention potential dehydration risks with the constant sweating. Talk to your doctor about potentinal risks before using a hot tub during pregnancy.
  • Take a break! If at any time you're feeling winded, dizzy, or overheated, take a break. Sit down, drink some water, and consider sitting on a shallow step to cool down for a bit. If you start feeling better, resume your workout carefully. If you're still feeling not so great, consider it a workout done and get out of the hot tub for the day. 

Ready to enhance your workout and recovery?

Spazazz Muscle Therapy Hot n' Icy Aromatherapy for Spas

Water Resistance Exercise Core Belt

Spazazz Sport Therapy Aromatherapy  

Water Resistance Dumbbells and Ankle Weight Cuffs  

After a long workout, nothing beats relaxing in your spa to soothe sore muscles. Spazazz Muscle Therapy Hot n' Icy aromatherapy is a great way to get enhance your after workout soak.  Support your lower back and achieve perfect buoyancy with a Water Resistance Core Belt. Ideal for cardio and strength training, this core belt is adjustable for a custom fit. Another great way to enhance your recovery, Spazazz Sport Therapy is made to help rejuvenate and rebuild sore muscles while relaxing in your spa after a tough workout. Ready to up the difficulty of your workout? These Water Resistance Dumbbells and Ankle Cuffs will add some extra weight to push those workouts just a little harder.