Filter Care & Tips

The filtration system is the heart of your hot tub, without it the water wouldn’t move through your jets and pump and give you your relaxing bubbles we all enjoy. The filter cartridge is a key component to the system and often if you are having water quality trouble, your filter is a good place to start. If the filter is clogged or frayed it will no longer do an effective job cleaning the debris and impurities from the water. This can cause damage to your heater and pump as the water is still full of debris when it is pulled through those systems; it can also make your water cloudy and unpleasant smelling. Having a regular filter maintenance routine is very important for water chemistry and the health of your spa and components.


It is recommended that you have a weekly, monthly and yearly filter program to troubleshoot any issues and keep the filter clean. Once a week remove filter from the hot tub and with your garden hose rinse the inside and outside of cartridge to remove debris, dirt and grime. Spray water between each pleat to help remove the smaller particles. A filter flush tool is a wonderful add on that helps to get into the hard to reach places. Attaching to your garden hose, it comes with several nozzles to get a deep clean with virtually no back splash, making cleaning easier and faster.


Smaller particles such as oils, lotions and algae are harder to remove from the filter cartridge. This foreign matter can block the filter's pores creating reduced filtration. To rid the filter of these impurities use a filter soak product once a month. Some filter soaks come in a one time use, pre-measured package or tablet, while others will be of a multiple use variety. Ensure you read and follow the manufacturers instructions of soak time and amount of water needed. It is also recommended to replace your filter cartridge annually as they do wear out over time. Many people also keep on hand a spare filter, which allows immediate replacement when cleaning or annual renewal. This will help your filters to last longer and keep your filtration system running in top form at all times.


Here are some additional tips to help with filter care:

  • Never use a dishwasher or power washer to clean your filter cartridge, as the pressure and heat can damage filter pleats. 
  • Only use cleaners specifically designed for filter cleaning as household cleaners can cause water chemistry problems such as foamy water and may react with other water chemicals. 
  • Rotate your filters to allow them to dry between uses. This should extend the life of your filters. 
  • Always read and follow the manufacturers directions for removing and reinstalling your spa filter cartridge.


Keeping up with proper filter cleaning and replacement will help to keep your filtration system running at top performance, keeping the water crystal clear and clean so enjoying your hot tub is fun and worry free.